Logo des Biosphärenreservats Niedersächsische Elbtalaue Niedersachsen klar Logo

Discovering the Elbe Valley

One of the most important aims laid down in the constitution of the Lower Saxonian Elbe Valley Biosphere Reserve is the protection of an environment which provides for the needs of both man and nature.

Visitors are very welcome in the Elbe valley. The surroundings and their inhabitants both human and animal extend a warm invitation to anyone looking for ways of spending their free time in harmony with nature. To ensure that there is no danger of the habitats and living conditions slowly deteriorating under the impact of all the visitors on holiday and on day trips, highly sensitive areas have been placed under protection.

Simply by observing the protection regulations and being aware of their surroundings, visitors can make an important contribution to these aims and at the same time enjoy a unique countryside experience with all their senses!


The surroundings extend a warm invitation to anyone looking for ways of spending their free time in harmony with nature.

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