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Leisure Activities

There is a variety of different ways to explore the Elbe valley and discover its secrets.

The network of paths, cycleways and bridle paths is already large and it is being extended still further. And all of them lead to unforgettable family outings, day tours or weekends!

Another very interesting way of finding out more about the region is by water – there are possibilities for all tastes and ages, ranging from river cruisers to canoes – or even solar powered rafts. Viewing the landscape from the – for us – unusual perspective of the waterline increases the likelihood of seeing some of the interesting and perhaps rare plants and animals, especially birds, which populate the Elbe valley.

With its ‘Natur erleben’ (‘Experience Nature’) and ‘Nachhaltige Entwicklung’ (‘Sustainable Development’) programmes, the Lower Saxonian Ministry for the Environment is funding a range of projects to enable the public to experience nature in the Elbe valley.The projects include the White-Tailed Eagle Project in the upper reaches of the river Seege, a series of observation towers, the German Stork Way, observation rafts on the Elbe and various nature trails in the biosphere reserve.

If you would prefer a guided tour to discovering things for yourself, you can benefit from the expertise of local guides who will be happy to show you the many facets of the region. Whether you are interested in nature and the landscape, history or culture, there is bound to be a guided tour to suit you!


A very interesting way of finding out more about the region is by water.

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